Last October was the 2020 edition of Hacktoberfest, and the Open Source Program Office at Sauce Labs organised a few internal and external events to promote this yearly celebration of open source. One of the folks who was very active and stood out during the event was Yi Min Yang.
Yi Min has been in the IT industry for more than eight years, and he has worn many hats during that time. He started as a Software Developer, then switched to be an IT Consultant for software development and testing activities. Later he got a Scrum Master certification, and even worked as a product owner for a while. More recently, Yi Min moved to a more customer-facing role, where he has been working in pre-sales for more than two years. Yi Min is currently working as a Solutions Engineer at Sauce Labs.
I spoke with Yi Min about his participation in Hacktoberfest and how this helped him to get back to contributing to open source again.
Have you participated in a Hacktoberfest before?
Not really. I have done some work in open source before, not really contributing in the sense of coding but more helping other users adopt an open source tool I’m personally using myself. But the first time I heard about Hacktoberfest was here at Sauce Labs.
What did you think when you knew we were having some internal events related to Hacktoberfest? What motivated you to participate?
I initially thought it was something like a hackathon, but more in terms of hacking. As if you were trying to find bugs, vulnerabilities, these types of things. But after reading about it, I thought it was a cool idea because in my previous life I have worked as a software developer, so I thought this would be now a good time, place, and opportunity to get my hands dirty by coding a bit again.
Also, as I work in Sales, October is a good time because it is the start of a new quarter, which makes it easier for me to invest time in non-sales related tasks.
How was your Hacktoberfest and contributing to open source experience?
Well, in the beginning it was hard for me to get into the workflow. Not actually the process of writing code again, but more in terms of the process you need to go through when you do some code changes and then you want to submit those changes. You just have to get used to creating the pull requests again, waiting for other people to review them. You also need to reply to reviews, change your code and sometimes do less fun stuff like dealing with merge conflicts.
But you also have to then deal with some open source projects that might not have a clear structure yet. For example, when you want to contribute to a project that has been in “sleep” mode, then you have to start and build a foundation for it and start applying some best open source practices which have been established over the last few years.
In general, I think it’s actually quite cool because it allows a lot of people from different backgrounds to join and work together. In my case, I started mostly doing some of these foundational things. So as an example, for some projects, I added an issue template on GitHub, which I saw was heavily used by other more mature open source projects. These are kind of small things you can do easily and quickly, and you don’t need to be a technical expert to do that.
I wouldn’t mind having Hacktoberfest multiple times a year because I saw that during that time a lot of people were actively engaging and contributing to different repositories and different projects. It is great to see how such an event can trigger lots of people from different organizations and backgrounds to actively look into open source and then contribute as well.
How did you find something to contribute to and what did you contribute to?
I decided to look into the open source repositories from Sauce Labs. First of all, I have a background mainly in Java and a bit in C# as well. I looked at the Java repositories and I found SauceREST, which is a Java client for Sauce Labs REST API, and I have used this Java client also in my demos for customers. Christian Bromann had started to tag and label issues in the SauceREST repository, and some of those issues were a good starting point for the Hacktoberfest. I went through that list and saw many issues that were not too complex and I could work on them. But then I also started to look at the repository from a higher level, and compared it to other repositories, like Appium. I saw that Appium was using these GitHub templates to help organize pull requests and issues, and this is just basically copy/pasting and adapting a bit of a text file. Then, I thought, well, why not start with something small like this and later build up some confidence and get familiar again with the whole process of contributing. Later, I looked into the other issues and figured out what I could do in a short amount of time which had a lot of impact or a lot of more value for the project.
You mentioned that you have worked in open source before. What type of things have you done?
I’ve been mostly a user of open source. I’ve been using open source libraries for my own private projects, but there is one open source project I quite like, it is called Paperless. It is a document management application that basically allows you to manage scanned documents. You need to host it yourself on your own server at home—you can run it in Docker or a web server.
So for example, after scanning your receipts, Paperless then allows you to analyze the scanned text by using optical character recognition. It uses a couple of other libraries, like Tesseract, and it is completely written in Python and Django. That is why I’ve never contributed code to it, because I just can’t wrap my head around Python.
But I’ve started by getting familiar with it, how to configure it, how to set it up, especially using Docker. Paperless is quite popular in Germany, possibly because Germany is a country that still uses a lot of paper and is full of bureaucracy.
I mostly contribute to it by answering questions a lot of people have and going through GitHub issues, such as: how do I set it up, how do I change the time zone, how do I do this or that. I also help by enabling people to adopt it and occasionally I try to test out new versions.
How can you combine open source and your daily work?
Part of my work is to talk to customers and prospects, but also to help them get started with Sauce Labs. When they want to do a proof of concept, for example, and they use Java, then it is a good idea to use the SauceREST library. By knowing the library since I have contributed to it, I could, for one thing, recommend the usage of SauceREST to them and I could also help them with the library, in case there is an issue or something is wrong.
Looking at it from a higher level, I think being involved in open source means being closer to the end users of the Sauce Labs platform by using, for example, our demo repository. I think that helps us better understand the journey our customers go through and how hard it can be for someone non-technical or for someone who is starting as an IT professional.
I also believe open source helps you to take one step back and to think how it was when you started. We take many things for granted and we simply think: “How hard can it be to run a simple Selenium or an Appium test? Put the right capabilities, run it and be done with it.” But for people who are just starting out, they might have an issue with their setup that they’re just not aware of. Getting involved with the end user through open source helps to create that direct communication, and this clearly helps yourself to grow as a professional.

After talking with Yi Min, learning about his open source experience and how much he enjoyed his first Hacktoberfest, these are my takeaways:
When finding a way to contribute to open source, it is important to find a project that is in your comfort zone. This will help you figure out the initial steps so you can get into the contribution flow (creating pull requests, answering reviews, etc…). For example, find a project that uses a programming language you like, or a tool you are familiar with but have never contributed to.
An open source contributor is not someone who only writes code, it could also be someone who helps other people use an open source tool or a framework, who answers questions and helps by testing and giving feedback to the project.
It is possible to contribute to open source as part of your daily work by finding connecting points between your daily tasks and open source projects that you use. For example, if it is a framework you use internally, you could spend 15 to 30 minutes answering questions in GitHub issues as a way to get started. Another example is, if your deliverable will be used by a customer, such as an API, you could create an API client that wraps the functionality of it and therefore make it simple for customers to use it, and as a side effect, create a community around your product.
What are your takeaways? How do you find time to contribute to open source?
If you are interested in all the activity related to the last Hacktoberfest in Sauce Labs, check our dedicated page at the Sauce Labs open source website.