The following commands are available via package or cli tool:
GET /v1.1/jobs/{id} Get Job Information Example:api.getJobV1_1(id)
GET /v1.2/users/{username}/concurrency User concurrency Example:api.getUserConcurrency(username)
GET /v1.1/users/{username}/organization Org information Example:api.listUserOrganization(username)
GET /v1.1/{username}/jobs Get all of a users jobs Example:api.listJobs(username, { ...options })
GET /v1/dashboard_messages/{username} Dashboard messages from Django Example:api.getDashboardMessageForUser(username)
GET /v1/info/platforms/{platform} returns a list of supported platforms in the Sauce cloud Example:api.listPlatforms(platform)
GET /v1/info/status Sauce Labs Status Example:api.getStatus()
GET /v1/me Authenticated user cookie information Example:api.getCurrentUser()
GET /v1/users/{username} User information Example:api.getUser(username)
GET /v1/users/{username}/subaccounts User information Example:api.getSubaccounts(username)
GET /v1/users/{username}/activity Get currently running job counts broken down by account and job status Example:api.getUserActivity(username)
GET /v1/users/{username}/monthly-minutes User's monthly-minutes Example:api.getUserMinutes(username)
GET /v1/users_activity Get job statistics for usernames Example:api.getUsersActivity()
GET /v1/users_last_job The result returns dict of usersnames and time when they started last job. Example:api.usersLastJob()
GET /v1/whoami Authenticated user information Example:api.getCurrentUserFull()
GET /v1/{username}/jobs/{id} Get Job Information Example:api.getJob(username, id)
PUT /v1/{username}/jobs/{id} Update Job Information Example:api.updateJob(username, id, body)
PUT /v1/{username}/jobs/{id}/stop Stop Job Information Example:api.stopJob(username, id)
GET /v1/{username}/all_tunnels Get all Tunnels Example:api.listAllTunnels(username)
GET /v1/{username}/tunnels Get tunnels for the user or all the users in the team Example:api.listTunnels(username, { ...options })
DELETE /v1/{username}/tunnels/{id} Delete a Tunnel Example:api.deleteTunnel(username, id, reason, { ...options })
GET /v1/{username}/tunnels/{id} Get Tunnel by ID Example:api.getTunnel(username, id)
GET /v1/public/tunnels/info/versions Get tunnels for the user or all the users in the team Example:api.scVersions({ ...options })
GET /v1/jobs/{id}/{assetName} Get job asset Example:api.downloadJobAsset(id, filename, { ...options })
GET /v1.1/jobs Get Job Information Example:api.getJobsV1_1(id, { ...options })
GET /metrics/ Provides a list of paginated raw performance metrics for the logged user Example:api.getPerformanceMetrics({ ...options })
GET /metrics/{job_id}/ Provides performance metrics and job basic data for a given job_id Example:api.getPerformanceMetricsByJobId(job_id, { ...options })
GET /metrics/{job_id}/assert/ Provides information if there is an outlier for the given job_id and metric Example:api.assertPerformance(job_id, metric_names, order_index)
GET /metrics/{job_id}/baseline/ Provides baseline based on metrics history, where the reference point is a given job_id Example:api.getBaseline(job_id, metric_names, order_index, { ...options })
GET /metrics/{job_id}/baseline/reset/ Returns true if a baseline was resetted for a give job_id Example:api.hasBaselineReset(job_id)
POST /metrics/{job_id}/baseline/reset/ Sets a reset point market at job_id, previous jobs will not be taken into account in calculating baseline Example:api.acknowledgeBaseline(job_id)
GET /metrics/{job_id}/discarded/ Provides lists outliers marked as discarded Example:api.getDiscardedOutliers(job_id, order_index)
POST /metrics/{job_id}/discarded/ Marks outlier for a given {job_id} as not relevant/flaky Example:api.discardOutliers(job_id, order_index)
GET /metrics/{job_id}/history/ Provides a list of raw performance metrics up to point where the reference is a given job_id and order_index Example:api.getBaselineHistory(job_id, order_index, { ...options })
GET /metrics/{job_id}/regimes/ Provides regimes per metric calculated for a set of jobs, where the reference point is a given job_id Example:api.getRegimes(job_id, metric_names, order_index, { ...options })
POST /metrics/{job_id}/regimes/acknowledge/ Acknowledge regime. Confirm values in new regime are acceptable. Example:api.acknowledgeRegime(job_id, order_index)
GET /metrics/swagger/ Provides json documentation for the performance API Example:api.getApiDefinition()
PUT /jobs/{jobId}/assets Upload job assets Example:api.uploadJobAssets(jobId, { ...options })
POST /reports No description available. Example:api.createJob(parameters)
POST / create test result job via data store Example:api.createResultJob(parameters)
GET /v1/getprojects Get all enabled projects for the user account Example:api.getProjects()
GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/getproject Get project information by projectId Example:api.getProject(projectId)
GET /v1/projects/{projectName}/getprojectbyname Get project information by project name. Example:api.getProjectByName(projectName)
GET /testSuites/{accountId}/{projectId}/getTestSuites Get test suites and associated test case info for the testsuite for the requested project. Example:api.getTestsuitesByProjects(accountId, projectId)
POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/testcases/{testcaseId}/updateLveAndRecoverSteps It updates test steps to a test case Example:api.updateLveAndRecoverSteps(projectId, testcaseId, steps)
POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/execute It Executes a single test script. Example:api.executeTestsuiteTest(Body, projectId)
POST /v1/test_suite/create It creates a test suite. Example:api.createTestSuite(Body)
POST /v1/test_suite/{testSuiteId}/update Updates a test suite. Example:api.updateTestSuite(testSuiteId, Body)
POST /v1/testSuites/delete Deletes test suite. Example:api.deleteTestSuites(Body)
POST /testCases/associate Associates test cases with test suites. Example:api.associateTestcases(Body)
POST /testCases/create/{accountId}/{projectId} Associates test cases with test suites. Example:api.createTestcase(accountId, projectId, Body)
POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/testcases/{testcaseId}/updateSteps Update steps assigned to a testcase. Example:api.updateTestcaseSteps(projectId, testcaseId, Body)
POST /v1/testsuite/{testSuiteId}/execute It executes a test suite Example:api.executeTestsuite(testSuiteId, Body)
POST /v1/auth No description available. Example:api.getAuth(Body)
GET /v1/jobs/{jobId}/get_status It returns status of execution of test suite Example:api.getExecutionStatus(jobId)
GET /v1/projects/{projectId}/testcases Get Test Cases For ProjectId Example:api.getTestcases(projectId)
GET /testCases/getTestCaseInfo/{testcaseId}/{stepId} Get test steps for a specific test case Example:api.getTestSteps(testcaseId, stepId)
GET /v1/testcases/{testcaseId}/isgenerating generating test cases Example:api.isGenerating(testcaseId)
GET /blocks/getAll/{accountId}/{blockId} Get test steps for a specific test case block Example:api.getTestStepBlocks(accountId, blockId)
GET /v1/downloadFile It downloades the html report Example:api.downloadReport(fileURL)
GET /testScriptExecutions/{executionId}/executions It returns execution details for the executing script. Example:api.getExecutions(executionId)
GET /teams Get List of Teams Example:api.getTeamsV1({ ...options })
GET /users Get List of Teams Example:api.getUsersV1({ ...options })
GET /{build_source}/ Get List of Builds (build_source can be vdc or rdc) Example:api.getBuildsV2(build_source, { ...options })
GET /{build_source}/{build_id}/ Get Build detail (build_source can be vdc or rdc) Example:api.getBuildV2(build_source, build_id, { ...options })
GET /{build_source}/jobs/{job_id}/build/ Get Build Jobs (build_source can be vdc or rdc) Example:api.getBuildByJobIdV2(build_source, job_id, { ...options })
GET /{build_source}/{build_id}/jobs/ Get Build detail (build_source can be vdc or rdc) Example:api.getBuildsJobsV2(build_source, build_id, { ...options })
POST /v1/ Post Test Runs Example:api.createTestRunsV1(parameters)